Deer Valley Game Company

American Civil War Strategy Games

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The Civil War Battle Game

The Gettysburg Campaign
Lee's Summer Offensive, 1863

The Vicksburg Campaign
Grant's Spring Offensive, 1863

The Peninsular Campaign
McClellan's Spring Offensive, 1862





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or via USMail to:

Deer Valley Game Company
P.O. Box 31661
Mesa, Az 85275-1661

"It is well that war is so terrible, lest we grow too fond of it."

- R.E.Lee

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Makers of these fine games:

SQUARES - The Civil War Battle Game

A Strategy Game of Military Maneuver and Tactics

picture of game (74 kb)

The Gettysburg Campaign

Lee's Summer Offensive, 1863

picture of game

The Vicksburg Campaign

Grant's Spring Offensive, 1863

picture of game

The Peninsular Campaign

McClellan's Spring Offensive, 1862

picture of game

copyright 1995, 2004, 2006, 2012 - G. Myers, all rights reserved - however read the LEGAL CONDITIONS
"SQUARES - The Civil War Battle Game" is the trademark of Deer Valley Game Company, Mesa Arizona
"The Gettysburg Campaign" is the trademark of Deer Valley Game Company, Mesa Arizona
"The Vicksburg Campaign" is the trademark of Deer Valley Game Company, Mesa Arizona
"The Peninsular Campaign" is the trademark of Deer Valley Game Company, Mesa Arizona
All Rights Reserved