SQUARES - The Civil War Battle Game



Ever find yourself in the need of an opponent for "SQUARES - The Civil War Battle Game" but just couldn't find one. Well at the suggestion of one of our faithful followers, we instituted this PLAY by EMAIL page.

Here you can find other players looking for opponents, and register to have your email address posted so other SQUARES players can find you. The cost is FREE. To register just submit the information in the form below.

Once we receive your information, we will send you a follow up email;

  1. to double check your email address,
  2. to confirm that it really was you that submitted the form,
  3. to get your confirmation that we may post your information.


You ask - "Won't all the spammers just pull my email address off this page and then bombard me with their junk?"

We cannot guarantee that this will not happen. However, we are taking precautions to eliminate as much of this as possible. First there is our confirmation process before we post your info. Second, we encode your email address on this page. We have replaced all of the "@" symbols in the email address with the characters "_at_". This should make the address undetectable by any automatic spammer scanners (since the "@" symbol is a key search character in looking for email addresses).

PLEASE NOTE: when writing to anyone that has submitted an email address, you must replace the "_at_" characters with the "@" character.

ALSO - we will NOT provide any information to anyone at any price for any reason outside of what is posted here. We would like your mailing address for our records (in case we need to contact you non-electronically). Your mailing address will NOT be posted, nor will it be provided to anyone.

Use the following form to register your information:
STEPS Enter your "Play-by-email" information below:
Please include your;
email address:
The following information is required, but will NOT be posted.
mailing address: street address: apt: city: state: zip:
How Frequently can you submit moves?
More than once a day
2 to 5 times a week
once a week
What is your experience level?

(these are not hard definitions - just how you would rate yourself)
enter your WWR (World Wide Rating): 

(leave blank if none)     

enter any additional comments you want to add:

Enter the code below and then press the SEND button.

Type the above number:

You will receive email in a few days asking you to confirm your infomation before we post it.

press the RESET button to clear the form

NOTE: If you have trouble using this form, CLICK HERE to take you to the correct domain.

The following are registered email players. You may contact them for a game on whatever terms the two of you may decide. Deer Valley Game Company is not responsible for any consequence of such communications, and all communications generated from information obtained on this page is AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Please, keep all communications regarding "Play-by-Email", and "SQUARES - The Civil War Battle Game" clean (no foul language), polite, and respectful of your fellow players.


George Kasnic
email: kazpurr3_at_cox.net
desired play frequency: 3-5 times per week
experience: beginner
comments: Looking for friendly fellow players willing to learn the game as we play

John Longstreet
email: LMJARL_at_aol.com
desired play frequency: daily
experience: beginner
comments: Just started at the game. Thought it might be fun to play by e-mail with another beginning player. Thanks

Johnny L. Wilson
email: jlwilson_at_wizards.com
desired play frequency: 3-5 times per week
experience: beginner

Mark Hebert
email: mahebert_at_juno.com
desired play frequency: daily_plus
experience: beginner
comments: built two boards of my own...they fold for portability...but am currently scavanging pieces from my 'Civil War' board game because I can't decide what pieces I want to buy for dedicated use...what are your favorites, why??

Matthew Auty
email: matauty_at_hotmail.com
desired play frequency: daily_plus
experience: beginner

Justin Brown
email: justin44833_at_yahoo.com
desired play frequency: daily
experience: beginner

Grant Janse
email: grantjanse_at_yahoo.ca
desired play frequency: daily
experience: beginner
comments: New, very new. Went through the rules and now I am looking to get my but kicked :)

Robert Everhart
email: azranchhand_at_msn.com
desired play frequency: daily
experience: beginner
comments: I'm new to this game but I don't expect to lose.

Rich DeLuca
email: cloudhand46341_at_gmail.com
desired play frequency: daily_plus
experience: beginner


For those wishing to receive WWR credit for games played by email, remember you must have your opponent's signature on file (usually on your score card, but a signed letter is sufficient). We will facilitate this process for you, so that you do not have to share your mailing address with strangers. The 2 of you should coordinate this prior to starting your email game. At the end of the game, both players sign a letter indicating the required WWR information:
  • Date of Game
  • Opponent's Name
  • Result of Game
  • Final Attrition Score of Game
  • Bonus Points Scored (both players)
  • Player's Game Points for recorded game
  • Player's Running Total of Number of Opponents Defeated
  • Player's Running Total of Game Points
  • Player's Current WWR (recorded game included)
  • Signature
Mail it to DVGC along with a stamped blank envelope to:
     Deer Valley Game Company 
     c/o PBEM
     P.O. Box 31661
     Mesa, Az. 85275-1661
We will match the letters when we get them, verify the information is the same on each letter, and forward your signed letter on to your opponent (as well as sending you his letter). If there are any discrpancies we will notify you by email before using your stamped envelope to return your letter to you.

For more information on WWR, click here.

Here's a copy of the gameboard to help you in playing by email. Just cut and paste onto your own file (use fixed width font such as courier).
map squares identification codes:
  |                                            |
  |               blue reserve BR              |
  |    B3R       |     B3C      |     B3L      |
  |              |              |              |
  |    | B2R  |  B2CR   |  B2CL   |  B2L  |    |
  |    |      |         |         |       |    |
  |NWF |----------------------------------| NEF|
  |    |    |B1R |B1CR| B1C|B1CL|B1L |    |    |
  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
  |----| WF |----|----|----|----|----| EF |----|
  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
  |    |    |G1L |G1CL| G1C|G1CR|G1R |    |    |
  |SWF |----------------------------------| SEF|
  |    |      |         |         |       |    |
  |    | G2L  |  G2CL   |  G2CR   |  G2R  |    |
  |              |              |              |
  |    G3L       |     G3C      |     G3R      |
  |               gray reserve GR              |
  |                                            |

G=Gray, B=Blue, #=line number (1=front line, 3=back), L=left, 
C=center, R=right (or reserve), N=north, E=east, S=south, W=west, F=forest 


Send comments, questions, etc to us via electronic mail: SEND EMAIL

copyright 1995, 1996 G. Myers, all rights reserved - however read the LEGAL CONDITIONS

"SQUARES - The Civil War Battle Game" is the trademark of Deer Valley Game Company, Mesa Arizona